nothing_is_normal_service_of_lament.pdf |

Recently our congregation co-sponsored a Service of Prayer and Lamentation with our friends at St. Mark Hope and Peace Lutheran. Our goal was to give a name and space for the plethora of grief an emotions we are individually and collectively feeling in response to the separation of children and parents at our borders, of gun violence, of racism, and on and on. It was an opportunity for all of us to come together, to pray for strength and guidance, and to lament the times in which we live, a time when many of us are feeling as if Nothing Is Normal. To view the complete liturgy, click on the link at the bottom of this page.
After our gathering, many of us wondered: What Next?
Below is a starter list of where to take it from here:
Give your time:
Speak your voice:
Donate your blessings:
After our gathering, many of us wondered: What Next?
Below is a starter list of where to take it from here:
Give your time:
- Donate sewing machines and/or your time to local refugees through Once We Were Refugees (oncewewererefugees.org);
- Tutor a refugee through the KC public library kclibrary.org/community-services/immigrant-services;
- Mentor a refugee through Jewish Vocational Services (jvskc.org/volunteer);
- Volunteer at KC for Refugees kcforrefugees.org or Missouri Immigration and Refugee Advocates (mira-mo.org);
- Purchase food from KC-based New Roots for Refugees (newrootsforrefugees.org);
- Send a card to a child separated from their parent at UAC/ORR Program - ATTN: Cards for Kids - 330 C Street, SW - 5th Floor - Washington, D.C. 20201
Speak your voice:
- Join the local movement through organizations such as Indivisible KC (Indivisiblekc.com);
- Send a message to your local and state representatives via ResistBot - a free service: text "Resist" to 50409 to get started, or visit resist.bot;
- E-mail congress via Unicef unicefusa.org;
- Join others in advocating for families in a variety of meetings and gatherings via familiesbelong.org);
- Learn about and share the truth about causes important to you at actionbutton.org.
- Call Congress at (202) 224-3121 and demand that they reject any legislation that threatens to ramp up enforcement and deportations, and that they instead fight to end family separation.
Donate your blessings:
- Donate gently used items to catholiccharitiesks.org/refugees;
- Donate food to Della Lamb dellalamb.org;
- Sponsor a child through Compassion International compassion.com ;
- Purchase items for migrants in shelters (that cross borders at legal locations) through an Amazon.com registry;
- Help fund assistant efforts through:
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: lirs.org;
- Together Rising togetherrising.org;
- BorderAngels borderangels.org;
- Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services raicestexas.org;
- Texas Civil Rights Project texascivilrightsproject.org;
- American Civil Liberties Union aclu.org;
- National Immigrant Justice Center immigrantjustice.org
- National Justice for our Neighbor njfon.org

God of justice & mercy, Creator of all nations, races, and cultures, Parent to all people, Your love transcends all human made borders and crosses all boundaries.
We pray for wisdom and guidance for the world’s leaders that protect the rights and dignity of everyone, especially those most vulnerable.
We pray for discernment on how to end the violence and poverty that displaces so many people from their homes and homelands to find new dreams and horizons.
We pray for the children who cross the border looking for a better education because of the lack of opportunities in their own countries. For the victims of human trafficking forced to slave labor and prostitution while they pursue the American dream. For the multitude of refugees, forced from their homes to alien places through war or gang violence. For the migrant workers, who are forced to travel to other countries looking for better salaries because there are not fair jobs in their countries.
We pray for us, show us how we can make a difference. May we be gracious, loving and kind to all people, as we seek to shine your light and your love. Forgive us when we fail to act when you call us to act, when we are critical instead of helpful, when we condemn instead of build up. Help us to be the people you call us to be. In your holy and powerful name, Amen.
God of justice & mercy, Creator of all nations, races, and cultures, Parent to all people, Your love transcends all human made borders and crosses all boundaries.
We pray for wisdom and guidance for the world’s leaders that protect the rights and dignity of everyone, especially those most vulnerable.
We pray for discernment on how to end the violence and poverty that displaces so many people from their homes and homelands to find new dreams and horizons.
We pray for the children who cross the border looking for a better education because of the lack of opportunities in their own countries. For the victims of human trafficking forced to slave labor and prostitution while they pursue the American dream. For the multitude of refugees, forced from their homes to alien places through war or gang violence. For the migrant workers, who are forced to travel to other countries looking for better salaries because there are not fair jobs in their countries.
We pray for us, show us how we can make a difference. May we be gracious, loving and kind to all people, as we seek to shine your light and your love. Forgive us when we fail to act when you call us to act, when we are critical instead of helpful, when we condemn instead of build up. Help us to be the people you call us to be. In your holy and powerful name, Amen.